Clear Creek members may update and review their own profile information, access the church directory, review giving history, and give online.
If this is your first time signing into the Member Portal, you will need a login. Simply click the Member login button above, This will bring you to a new screen, then click on "need a login" (it's located near the bottom of the page).
In order to log in, we must have an e-mail address on file for you. If you have submitted your primary e-mail address to the Church Office, you should be able to log right into the Member Portal, with that e-mail address, to receive a user ID and password. Your first name, last name and e-mail address must match what is on file, or you will not be allowed to create a log in. For example, if you aren’t sure if we have you listed as William or Bill, just email us at and we will help you.